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Wednesday Activities

The courses page grew too long to be able to comfortably read it so the content has been divided up into individual days.

There is also a separate page for Woodbridge based activities.

A set of green ##### is a link to the expansion of a multiple presenter course. Click on them to see the extra information.

Use the links just below to jump directly to a day's program.

Sunday       Monday       Tuesday       Wednesday       Thursday       Friday       Saturday       Woodbridge


Start DateSessionsTimeLocationCourse TitlePresenter



10:00 - 12:30


Ramblers 1

Wayne Seabrook

Easy 1.5 to 2 hour walks, enjoying nature and fresh air on local and rural tracks and trails for an invigorating, healthy social activity, always ending with a welcome cuppa or lunch in a nearby café. This course is managed by Carol Timbrell, Wayne Seabrook and Donna Hartley.This group is for continuing members who enrolled in 2018 only.



10:00 - 12:30


Ramblers 2

Julie Gardam

This group meets at the Senior citizens carpark to depart at 10am. Walks are 1.5 to 2.5 – hours on made tracks, and usually followed by an optional social meal in a nearby eatery. A walking group with an eating problem or v.v.??



10:30 - 12:45



Robert Muirhead

The walks are for about an hour on urban footpaths, wide “made” tracks or single-file bush tracks. Occasionally they can be rough underfoot and a little hilly. In the greater Kingston area, hills are hard to avoid, so we enjoy them slowly. We meet at the start of the walks at 10.30 am



No activities available at present.